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Gospel Preaching
The goal of the hospital is based on the spirit of redemption in Jesus Christ --- by taking care of the patient’s body, mind, and spirit to fulfill the purpose of the evangelical-medical mission and to lead people to Christ.

Patient Care
By ways of visitations, sermons, worship services, and prayer in the outpatient service, emergency treatments, and hospitalization; the hospital shares God's salvation and peace with patients.

Staff Care
Concerning about the staff's needs for holistic care, the hospital arranges many spiritual activities to advance soundness of body, mind, and spirit. The hospital also offers time for individual counselling service and care.

The Historical Museum of Dr. James L. Maxwell
To keep and preserve items, bequests of Dr. James L. Maxwell such as the first romanized internal medicine and surgery nursing book in Taiwan, and medical treatment related devices of historical value in old clinic times.

安南門診佈道 108年護師節感恩禮拜

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all rights reserved
Main Hospital:No.57, Sec. 1, Dongmen Rd., Tainan City 701002 , Taiwan Tel:886-6-2748316
Branch Hospital:No. 207, Sec. 1, Majia Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 721010 , Taiwan Tel:886-6-5702228
Update:2009-08-10   Visitor:12640306