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I. The Ancient Clinical Period (1865~1900)

The first western modern hospital in Taiwan was established by Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell(馬雅各醫生) in 1865, commonly called Sin-lâu Hospital”(新樓醫館).
Dr. James L. Maxwell arrived
Kî-āu (旗后, at present Kaohsiung city) on May 28, 1865, and immediately set for
Tainan to begin medical evangelical ministries at the Khòan-sai Street Clinic(
看西街醫館), the former Sin-lâu
Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell (1865~1871) (years served at Sin-lâu)
June 16, 1865 Dr. Maxwell and Rev. Douglas rented a house on Khòan-sai Street, Tainan. It served as
both church and clinic. This was the first western hospital in Taiwan.
July 1865 House rented at
Kî-āu (旗后) for evangelism
Jan. 1869 House rented at
Jī-ló–kháu(二老口) for mission base.
Nov. 1871 Dr. Maxwell left Taiwan to return to England
Dec.23, 1883 Dr. Maxwell came back Taiwan again
April 1885 Dr. Maxwell’s final time returned to England.
Rev. W. S. Swanaon(
宣為霖牧師), the first missionary baptized believers in Taiwan.
He arrived in Taiwan on Jul. 23, 1866 and assisted Dr. James L. Maxwell for five weeks in Kaohsiung. He
baptized four believers in
Kî-āu (旗后) on August 12.
Dr. Patrick Manson(
萬巴德醫生), the father of the study of tropical medicine.
Dr. Patrick Manson was hired as Chinese custom’s doctor in
Kî-āu (旗后, present Kaohsiung) in 1866. He
also helped Dr. Maxwell at the
Kî-āu Clinic. In 1869 Dr. Maxwell returned to Tainan and left the clinic
ministry to Dr. Manson who worked there until 1871 when he went to Amoy.
Rev. Hugh Ritchie(
李庥牧師), first resident missionary in Taiwan.
Rev. Hugh Ritchie was sent to Taiwan by the British Foreign Mission on Dec. 23, 1867.西街醫館

Dr. Matthew Dickson (德馬太醫生)(1871~1878)
Feb.10, 1871 Arrival at Tainan, the old capital of Taiwan
Jan.8, 1878 Retirement and return to England.
Jī-ló–kháu clinic closed temporarily.
Rev. William Campbell (
甘為霖牧師), the second resident missionary in the south church.
Arrived Taiwan in Dec. 1871, and served the southern church of Taiwan as a missionary for 46 years until he
retired at the age of 76 and went back England.
He established the first school for the blind, named “Blind Training Hall”, and edited the Dictionary of
the Amoy Vernacular.
Rev. Thomas Barclay(
After the second and third parishes were established by Dr. Maxwell, God sent a great messenger,
Rev. Dr. Thomas Barclay, to Taiwan on Jun. 5, 1875.
He founded the Tainan Theological College and Seminary in 1876, and also founded the Taiwan Church Press
in July 1885. Thomas Barclay devoted 60 years of his life to serve God in Taiwan.


Dr. Peter Anderson (安彼得醫生)(1879~1901)
Dr. Anderson came to Taiwan on Jan.14, 1879. He served at the old clinic longer than any other administrator,
and was there for about 22 years.
Dr. Anderson designed and built Sin-lâu Hospital during his tenture. He transferred the administration of
Sin-lâu Hospital to Dr. James L. Maxwell, Jr., on Feb. 24, 1901. After that, Dr. Anderson went to
Clinic which is now known as the
Bōo-tek Hospital(慕德醫院). He spent 31 years in medical mission in Taiwan,
and also trained many local students.
Dr. John Lang (
Nov.12, 1885 Arrived Tainan. Performed medical mission work
Oct. 8, 1887 Went to Amoy for service.
Dr. Gavin Russell(
盧嘉敏醫生) (1888~1892)
Dec.22, 1888 Arrival in Tainan to begin his medical ministry.
April 28, 1890 Arrival in Taichung to establish
Tuā-siā (大社) clinic, which benefited many patients
and led many people to know God.
Unfortunately, Dr. Russell contracted an epidemic disease and died in Chiayi on April 1892 while traveling to
Tainan from Changhua. He was only 25 years old when he passed away. He is buried in the Tainan Christian cemetery.
Dr. Elizabeth Christie (
宋忠堅牧師的師母)(Mrs. Duncan Ferguson) (1892~1901)
Feb. 19, 1892 Arrival in Tainan from Hong Kong
Dr. Elizabeth Christie was the wife of Rev. Duncan Ferguson. She was not only a housewife, but also a busy
doctor in the OB/GYN and pediatrics department. She was a life saver for many women because Taiwanese women didn’t like to be treated by male doctors. She also had many opportunities to share the Gospel with women and led many people to Christ. Unfortunately, she passed away on Jan. 17, 1901 at the age of 37, while she was working at Sin-lâu Hospital. She was buried at the Tainan Christian cemetery.
Dr. Murray Cairns (
March 20, 1893 Arrival in Tainan
April 6, 1895 Return to England due to an illness
Dr. David Landsborough(
蘭大衛醫生) (1895~1936)
Dec.18,1895 Arrival in Tainan
Nov.29,1896 Opened clinic in Changhua (
彰化) with Campbell Moody
May 1908 Temporarily filled in for Rev. James Maxwell, Jr., as the superintendent in Sin-lâu hospital.
Dec. 6,1909 Return to Changhua (
彰化) to open Changhua Hospital
Mar. 6, 1936 Retirement and return home


II. The Sin-lau Clinical period (1900~1935)

~Taiwan under Japanese rule (1895~1945)

Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell, Jr. (馬雅各醫生二世) (1901~1923)
Feb.24,1901 Arrival in Tainan
From 1901~1908, Dr. James L. Maxwell, Jr. introduced many new medical devices such as steam sterilization
of instruments, X-ray rooms, and active treatment of opium addiction and venereal diseases. Moreover he was
dedicated to the prevention and cure of leprosy.
In the spring of 1923, Dr. James L. Maxwell Jr. resigned from his job at Sin-lâu hospital and went to Shanghai, where he was the executive secretary of the Chinese Medical Missionary Association.
Dr. George Gushue-Taylor(
戴仁壽醫生) (1911~1918)
Dec. 1911 Arrival in Tainan
1917 Compiled the “Internal Medicine and Surgery Nursing Textbook ”, which was written in
Romanized pronunciation(Taiwanese vernacular).
Fall 1923 Return to Taiwan to become the Superintendent of Mackay hospital.
Mar. 1934 Established The Taiwan Leprosy Sanatorium (now known as Taipei Happy Mount).
Dr. Percival Cheal(
周惠憐醫生) (1919~1932)
Nov. 1919 Arrived in Tainan with his wife
1923 Remodeling of the hospital with addition hospital rooms, including an opium rehabilitation
center, a leprosy center, a respiratory ward and dedicated to the treatment of lung disease
(which was the first in Southern Taiwan), as well as a pediatrics ward and nurse’s dormitory.
Spring 1932 Returned to England
Dr. Dansey Smith(
鍾寶能醫生) (1923~1927)
Oct. 1923 Arrival in Tainan with his wife.
1927 Return to England.
Dr. R. H. Mumford(
文甫道醫生) (1925~1933)
Dr. John Liew Little(
李約翰醫生) (1931~1935)
Fall 1931 Arrival in Tainan with his wife, Dr. Flora Gauld
1932 Taiwan Missionary Meeting
Feb.11, 1933 The Emperor of Japan awarded Sin-lâu Hospital for its treatment of patients as a result of
Dr. Little’s hospital improvements, including the remodeling of the interior conditions and outer appearance
of the hospital. In addition, Sin-lâu Hospital added X-ray machines, ultraviolet facilities, and examination
rooms with modern facilities. At the same time, he added pediatric ward that greatly improved that care provided
to children.
1934 Formation of “the Headquarters of the South Taiwan Christian Medical Mission Association” by a group
of Christian doctors and missionaries. Dr. J.L. Little was the lead advocate for this organization.
Mar. 18,1936 Acting Superintendent of Changhua Hospital
Dec. 1936 Acting Superintendent of Mackey Hospital
Dr. G. Graham Cumming (
Spring 1934 Arrival at Changhua Hospital and Sin-lâu Hospital.
March 26, 1935 Dr. Cumming served as acting superintendent at Sin-lâu Hospital during Dr. Little’s
absence until 1936, when he returned to Changhua Hospital __________________________________________________________________________________________

III. South Synod Sin-lâu Hospital Period (1936~1945)

~World War II (1939~1945)

In 1935, the Japanese government forced British citizens to leave Taiwan by creating many difficult demands, including extensive repairs and remodeling of the hospital building, as well as revision to the administration and operation of the hospital. The Japanese government did this with the goal of forcing the British to step down, and to either close the hospital or give it to Japan. The home church in England decided to step down rather than close the hospital. The south synod of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan wanted to take over the administration of the hospital when the British left, and the British decided to transfer the hospital to the South synod of Taiwan Presbyterian Church for 40,000 yen.

Dr. Iûn Hûn-liông (楊雲龍院長) (1936~1942)
Jan.11,1936 Acting Superintendent of Sin-lâu Hospital
Sept.15,1936 Started a midwife training center. These classes provided a great help to rural women
when they gave birth. The training center was in operation for eight years.(1936~1944)
Due to the unparalleled success and the contribution the midwife training center had on rural women,
Mr. Khut-
lāi Chhù-hiông(堀內次雄) the principal of Taiwan governor-general Medical Schooland chairman
of the
Taiwan Medical Associationbrought members to visit Sin-lâu in 1937.
Dr. Gân Chín-seng (
顏振聲醫生) (1942~1944)
Jan.15,1942 Acting Superintendent
Apr.19,1942 Authored of “History of South Church Medical Mission”, with 51 pages in Romanized
vernacular, published by Taiwan Church Press, it was the first book to give systematic
record of the medical history in Taiwan.
Bansho Tetsuo(
番匠鐵雄院長) (1944~1945)
1944 The Japanese government took over Sin-lâu Hospital as Tainan Hospital to the
Governor-General during the wartime, and assigned Bansho Tetsuo as the hospital
administrator. Bansho Tetsuo was previously the principal of Tióng-êng Girls’
Middle School(
長榮女中) previously.
October 1945 Hospital was taken back by South Synod

IV. Post World War II Period (1945~1950)

August 15, 1945 Japanese surrender
October 1945 Hospital was taken back by South-Synod


V. Sin-lâu Clinical Period (1950~1983)

Dr. Si Bûn-chú (施文子醫生) (1950~1956)
May 5, 1950 Sin-lâu Clinic reopened, Dr. Si Bûn-chú was hired as director and she was the first
and only female administrator in Sin-lâu to date.
Dr. Lîm Gi
ok-lîn(林玉麟醫生) (1956~1961)
1957 The south–Synod was ended. At that time, Sin-lâu Clinic was transferred to the General Assembly,
but was supervised by the Tainan Presbytery. May, 1960 Church goers and doctors organized Tainan Presbytery Medical Mission Group. Dr.
Ông Siū-lo̍k, Ph.D.(王受祿博士) was the chairman, and Rev. Lâu suī-jîn(劉瑞仁牧師) was the clerk and secretary. There were 69 people in this group; they volunteered their time to provide medical services, and helped Sin-lâu through a very difficult period.
Lâu suī-jîn(劉瑞仁牧師) (1961~1974)
Nov. 1961 the medical-mission group officially undertook Sin-lâu Clinic ministry. And Rev.
Lâu suī-jîn
became the part-time administrator.
Chiā Tsài-seng(謝再生牧師) (1973~1975)
Acting director in the period of Lâu’s absence
Rev. Î Khek-hiân(
余克賢牧師) (1975~1983)


VI. Sin-lâu Hospital Rebuilding Period (1980~1985)

1980 Formation of the rebuilding and Renewal committee
1982 Proposal for renewing and rebuilding Sin-lâu passed by the Spring session of Tainan Presbytery
April 1982 Proposal for rebuilding the hospital passed in the 29th General Assembly
March 1983 Rebuilding blueprint completed for the construction Sin-lâu hospital at its original location.
Nov.27,1983 Cornerstone-laying ceremony held by PCT Moderator Rev. Tè Tiong-tek(
戴忠德牧師) and
Tainan Presbytery Moderator Rev. Âng Un-jîu(
Nov.24, 1985 Sin-lâu hospital held a thanksgiving service for the the dedication of the new Sin-lâu hospital


VII. Post Rebuilding Period (1985~Present)

Dr. Tēnn Liông-sêng(鄭良誠醫師) (1985~1998)
Sept.30,1985 Became the first superintendent of Sin-Lau Hospital after it was rebuilt.
Nov.24, 1985 New hospital dedication worship service held, with the day declared as the hospital’s
annual celebration day
May 1988 Sin-Lau passed the Health Bureau assessment for becoming a district teaching hospital
Oct. 1988 Sin-Lau began to handle government insurance for laborers and farmers
Nov.24,1990 Second phase construction completed. Sin-Lau celebrated its 5th anniversary
Aug.6, 1994 Opening of the Annan(
安南) Clinic, and the start of the family medicine division.
March1,1997 Madou(
麻豆) Branch Hospital dedication worship service
Feb. 1998 South Building cornerstone-laying worship service held
May 21,1998 Opening of Maxwell Memorial Hospice Ward
July 1, 1998 Intensive Care Unit accredited as Class A (both Tainan & Madou’s ICU)


Dr. Khóo Tiông- Sèng(許重勝醫師) (1998~1999)
Substitute superintendent of Sin-Lau Hospital after rebuilt


Dr. Tsng Bîng-hiông (莊明雄醫師) (1999~2008)
2nd superintendent of Sin-Lau Hospital after it was rebuilt
1999 Tainan Sin-Lau passed the assessment for becoming a regional teaching hospital.
2000 Third phase of the Tainan Sin-Lau South Medical Building construction completed
and founded as the Tainan City East Community Health Center Building.
2001 Construction of Madou(
麻豆) Branch Hospital’s staff dormitory building completed.
2002 Tainan Sin-Lau set-up Cardiac Catheterization Room.
麻豆) Branch Hospital passed the assessment for becoming a teaching hospital
from Health Bureau.


Dr. N̂g Tsóo-guân (黃祖源醫師) (2008~2016)
3rd superintendent of Sin-Lau Hospital after it was rebuilt
2010 *Series of activities were held for the hospital’s 145th Anniversary for remembering
Dr. James Maxwell’s medical contribution in the early days of the hospital.
*Overseas medical mission in Indian, and the Kingdom of Swaziland
*Cancer Resource Center officially opened in Tainan Sin-Lau, and Telemedicine care was established
* Madou(
麻豆) Sin-Lau passed the assessment for becoming regional teaching hospital.
2011 *Tainan Sin-Lau Hospital, “James Maxwell Health Examination Center” was officially opened.
*Tainan Sin-Lau Hospital established its Acute & Critical Care Center.
2012 *Sin-Lau Hospital e-newspaper issued.
*No.84 highway medical bus began transporting patients for purpose of providing medical
service among the areas of Chhó-Tìn(
左鎮)Gio̍k-Chén (玉井)Lâm-Se(楠西)Tuā-lāi(大內)
for free.
2013 *Free shuttle bus provided to community residents who live near the Madou Sin-Lau and
surrounding coastal areas of Tainan City(
Pak-mn̂g/北門 to Chhit-kó/七股) for the purpose of
accessing medical services.
*Madou Sin-Lau Hospital established the Cardiac Catheterization Unit.
*Tainan Annan Clinic re-opened.(with the addition of the Department of Chinese Medicine
& Rehabilitation)
2014 *Tainan Sin-Lau established its Medical Cosmetic Center
2015 *150th Anniversary Celebration & inauguration of the Maxwell Memorial Medical Museum.
*Tainan Sin-Lau Hospital was awarded the Menopause Friendly Hospital certification. It was
the first hospital to received such a certification in Big Tainan City.
*Establishment of the Madou Sin-Lau Nursing Home.
2016 *The establishment of the occupational hazards medical collaboration platform
with Bureau of Labor Insurance.


2016~ 2020
Dr. Tshuà Kang-Khim(蔡江欽醫師) (2016~2020)
4th superintendent of Sin-Lau Hospital after rebuilding
August 1, 2016 Dr. Kang-Khim Chhoa(
蔡江欽醫師) served as superintendent.

2020~ present
Dr. Liu Chi-Chu(劉啓擧醫師) (2020~present)
5th superintendent of Sin-Lau Hospital after rebuilding
August 1, 2020 Dr. Chi-Chu Liu(
劉啓擧醫師) served as superintendent.

:::|Copyright © 2023 of the SinLau Hospital
all rights reserved
Main Hospital:No.57, Sec. 1, Dongmen Rd., Tainan City 701002 , Taiwan Tel:886-6-2748316
Branch Hospital:No. 207, Sec. 1, Majia Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 721010 , Taiwan Tel:886-6-5702228
Update:2009-08-10   Visitor:12853855